What a beautiful building and what a tragedy to destroy it. You are wise to document these works of architectural art. Modernity is blind to the beauty and value of it's past. It teaches people about their culture and people who came before then. Demolition is the equivalent of erasing one's heritage. It's heartbreaking.

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Indeed. Victorian architecture was viewed as ugly by 20th Century planners but is now seen as a valuable part of our heritage. It happens repeatedly - the following generations struggle to appreciate the buildings of the previous generation. I hope we are the last generation to be so foolish.

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Nice piece, Andrew. I'm looking forward to beginning my weekly 'Photograph and a few words' as I share my first full year back in the northeast. Happy New Year!

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Thank you Harry. I’m looking forward to your weekly post too! I hope you have a very happy new year too.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Andrew Eberlin

I love your photos, and this now-gone building, but I'm very saddened by this destruction. Don't people learn from the mistakes of previous generations?

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Thank you. Yes it is sad that these buildings are destroyed. We will live to regret this. Colechurch House (by London Bridge) is destined to be next. I returned to take photos earlier this month and plan to post about it some time soon.


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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Andrew Eberlin

Ugh. That’s a great building, what a waste. As for its proposed replacement: ‘Objections came in from the Shard, which said the new building would “fail to respond to the local character and townscape of London Bridge and the primacy of the Shard”, as well as the London Bridge Experience.’ That’s ripe, coming from the Shard!

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Indeed! Although I have to admit to visiting and enjoying Shard’s viewing gallery.

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Ha - fair enough! I don’t have a taste for heights but can imagine it’s spectacular.

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deletedDec 30, 2022Liked by Andrew Eberlin
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I hope so too. I will be pleasantly surprised if it’s as imaginative and unique.

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